The Festival of Nature and Culture – Say NO to GMO – Save Traditional Seeds

The festival catalysed three days (Dec. 9,10,11) of hugely varied activities in support of maintaining the beauty and diversity of the Polish countryside – and an uncorrupted GMO free food chain.

Ninety events/happenings were launched during these three days, including giant puppets, dedicated jazz and pop concerts, poetry readings, workshops, lectures, food tastings and film shows. All in all
a great display of determination by Polish citizens to highlight their rejection of government and corporate attempts to force GM food down their throats and into their much loved countryside.

Reports are flowing in from the various centres of activity – and it looks as though the local press had lots of unusual photo opportunities to keep them busy! ICPPC’s co-directors tackled three engagements in one day in Krakow, giving talks on the imperative of becoming engaged in ‘local food’ community centred initiatives, as against ‘global food’ supermarket style consumerism: definitely the best way of knowing what your eating! These sessions took place in a culture house,
a restaurant and a leading jazz club… where the audience appeared amazed to find even their music guaranteed GMO Free!

The Festival concluded on Sunday night and we believe that it will have demonstrated that ‘citizen power’ is a force to be reckoned with. That when we come together in a spirit of creativity and cooperation there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome and no limits to our ability to heal and rejuvenate our planet.