An international coalition of independent scientists will present comprehensive Scientific evidence for a Europe-wide and worldwide ban on the release of GM crops. See
GMO Free Zones Declared in Poland .
Accession to the EU (1st May 2004) has opened a wider door for GMOs on the Polish market and fields. In July 2004 the board of ICPPC decided to launch a national campaign STOP GMO IN POLAND to highlight the dangers of GMOs for the Polish countryside and to press for as many areas of Poland as possible to be declared GMO free zones. We joined to the campaign GMO FREE EUROPE because WITHOUT SOLIDARITY THERE WILL BE NO GMO FREE EUROPE.
There are now 16 GMO free regions (out of a total of 16) in Poland which means that the whole Poland now (5 Febryary 2006) has the status of GMO FREE ZONE! Read also ‘Polish ban’
The areas that have passed GMO-free declarations in Poland:
- The Swietokrzyskie Province: 11,67 sq km with a population – 1,33 million
- The Warmińsko-Mazurskie Province; around 25,000 sq km, population 1,5 million
- the Dolnoslaskie Province (capitol Wroclaw) in South West Poland, bordering Eastern Germany. It has an area of 19948 km2 and a population of 3 million.
- The Opole Provincial in South West Poland, is a region with many larger than average size farms and a population of just over 1 million and an area of 9412 km2.
- The Slaskie province, situated in South-West Poland. It is well known for its fine mountains scenery and small scale family farms. The area is 12 000 km2 with a population of 5,000,000.
- The Pomorskie Province (with capital Gdansk). It is an area on the Baltic sea, popular with tourists. The area is 18,000 sq km and has a population of 2.2 million.
- The Province of Lodskie (capital Lodz.): 18,220 sq km with a population of 2.5 million.
- The province of Wielkopolskie. Capitol: Poznan. Area 29,000 sq km, population 3.4 million.
- The Province of Mazowieckie (capitol is Warsaw): 35,597 sq km with a population of Mazowieckie is 5,135,732
- The Province of Lubelskie. Capitol: Lublin. Area 25,000 sq km. Population 2 million.
- The province of Kujawsko-Pomorskie. Capitol: Torun. Area 17,000sq km. Population 2 million.
- The Community of Lubawa in Warminsko-Mazurskie (North Poland, capitol Olsztyn) has also declared itself a GMO Free Zone. The population is 10,000 and the area 263km2.
- The Podlaskie Province: 20 179,58 sq km with 1,224,000 people.
- The board members of the Malopolska Province (15,144 sq km. Population 3,222,862) accepted on November 29th a resolution to declare Malopolska a GMO Free Zone.
- Suski region (Malopolska): 687 sq km and the population is 81,000
- Bochenski region (Malapolska) has declared itself GMO Free (631 sq km. Population 97,000)
- The Commune of Lacko (Malopolska) has passed a resolution to declare itself a GMO Free Zone: 132ha area. Population 14,500.
- The board of the city of Krakow (Malopolska) has also voted to declare the city a GMO Free Zone. Area of 327 sq km and a population of 746,000
- The Polanow commune, in the Zachodnio-Pomorskie region, has declared a GMO Free Zone status. This is in the heart of a large scale, mostly intensive agricultural region, with several factory farms – so this is very welcome. (Area 39 sq km, population 9,868
- The province of Podkarpackie (17, 926 sq km, with 2,097 000 people), in South-East Poland, was the first Polish region which declared itself a GMO free zone. The declaration was passed on 27th of September with the strong support of the newly elected Senator of Poland, Mr Kazimierz Jaworski.
More about history of creating GMO-free zones
GMO-free farms
There are now more than 300 farms, from different parts of Poland, declared GMO free zones. ICPPC has initiated this campaign after being alerted to the likelihood of illegal imports and/or dumping of GMO grain in the Country, as well as a widespread lack of awareness concerning the nature and gravity of both the human and environmental threat.