Chris Kordzinski, UK
Dear Donald Tusk,
I would like to voice my support for all the small and medium farmers who are having their livelihoods threatened. Regulations the Warsaw government has imposed over the years have made it virtually impossible to sell farm processed foods to local shops, schools or private individuals. The only way farmers can conform with the hygiene and sanitary regulations imposed from above, is by carrying out their simple processing tasks in specially designed and equipped buildings that none can afford
to build or to adapt.
It is insane why should the farmers be wasting time money and effort in this respect? In the UK we cherish local produce bought directly from litle farm shops. These small farmers will be the saviours in the future once we all wake up and understand that corporations are controlling governments around the world. These small farmers provide the best produce compared to someone like Monsanto who would have the world eating only genetically modified foods laced with herbicides and pesticides.
In honour of my late father Jozef Kordzinski who used to farm land in Poland before being captured by the Russians and sent to Siberia only to escape and join the Polish Navy, only to be torpedoed while serving on ORP Orkan in 1943 – one of only 44 survivors I ask that you remove the prohibitive regulations and ensure that the smaller farmers are free to thrive. Don’t become a lackey to the corporations whose only motivation is profit and greed.
Your Sincerely,
Chris Kordzinski