Feeding the Future – London April 14 2014

ICPPC directors Sir Julian Rose and Jadwiga Lopata are taking part in a protest at the UK Ministry of Agriculture in London.

‘Feeding the Future’ is the title of the demonstration by farmers, farm workers and concerned citizens
to take place outside the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, London on the 17th April

The protest is organised by the UK Land Workers Alliance and is part of wider international actions to
highlight the importance of small, medium sized and peasant farms throughout Europe and beyond.

Jadwiga Lopata and Julian Rose will be carrying placards calling for an end to discrimination against family farms
that supply their local communities with farm-fresh healthy foods.

At present UK, US and most European governmental agricultural policies emphasize the importance of large
scale monocultural and agrichemically dependent production systems that deplete the fertility of the land,
the quality of crops and the nutritional value of foods purchased throughout the World.

The protest on 17th April will demand a new emphasis: support for traditional and organic family farming
enterprises that are the backbone of national and international food security.

As part of the protest a farmers market will be established outside the Ministry and a seed swap
will take place. Actions to highlight the vital role that small and medium sized family farms play in
providing fresh and nutritious foods for their communities as well as the crucial role that farm saved seeds
play in this process.
